Code to Text Ratio Checker
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Text to html ratio,Code to text ratio checker,Code to Text Ratio Checker. is designed as a tool that computes the proportion of text and code passed in a given object. Its function is therefore to determine an aspect ratio of code lines to text lines in the document.
The tool is simple to use; it only requires clients to input the full text of a text file, source code file or a document that contains mix of text and standard code blocks. Then, it will run the cursor through the document to analyse which lines are filled with text and which are filled with the code, count them and resulted in the ratio that it provided.
Some key features of the Code to Text Ratio Checker include:
Guarantee to compile formats such as plain text, Markdown, HTML, Jupyter notebooks, etc., as long as code is clearly and exclusively marked by some character.
: Configuration options related to how much is a line of code, how much is a line of text
Exclusion rules that prohibit certain code portions or text portions from this use in the development of the ratio.
Performance of the total count of code lines, the total count of the text lines, and the ratio based on the two counts.
Alerts, if the codes generated are to texts if the ratio of the codes to texts deviates from an ideal ratio.
– It should link with source control systems to automatically check the ratio on the documents’ commit/merge.
The tool is very useful when it is used by technical writers and developers to demonstrate how much detail is required for a given document in the form of a number of code snippets. This ratio range can be adjusted according to documentation standards in order to achieve the most accurate value. Brought out in broad terms, its mission is to deliver an automatic solution to improve documentation quality.