Get Source Code of Webpage

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Get Source Code of Webpage

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About Get Source Code of Webpage

Get Source Code of Webpage,Web page source code refers to HTML, CSS and Java script code of the web page. Here are the steps to view and get the source code of any webpage: 1. Right click the page you want to view the source of in your browser (this can be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, any other browser). 2. Tap a right mouse button at any area of the page and choose ‘View Page Source’ on Chrome, or ‘View Source’ in Firefox. You can also right-click on your mouse and go to ‘view page source’ or they you can simply use a keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+U on your keyboard. 3. On this step, it will open up a new tab or window to the actual raw source code that the browser is receiving from the page’s web server that hosted the web page in question. And you will look at the HTML structure, CSS style sheets, scripts written in JavaScript and other features of the given page. 4. To save the source code, one would have to right click inside this view source tab and then select “Save As”. This will enable you to download the source code from the page into your PC in a text format. For this example's sake, to keep the number of instructions less, you are using an existing web browser with a View Source option; this will give you exactly the code of the page, without requiring different tools (or no rights at all). You can always see the source code of the document in you browser each time you load a webpage to view.